
Saturday Cross Lab Report

Worked alone in the lab this morning, while most of the MUCRers wander off to Saskatchewan for what I hope is a great 8-hour MTB race. And everyone else slept in... ? Cross racing starts next week people! It's going to hurt bad enough as it is --- don't you think you ought to get some rides in beforehand!?

This coming Tuesday (and Thursday, I think) will be your last chances to find your cross feet, tune your bike and polish your skills (or learn some new ones, if you're just starting out). Despite what the calendar says, the ride will start at 6:30 p.m. at Omand's Creek (I'll try to fix that...)

This morning's workout was a series of 2 and 3 lap pushes on the Alter Ego Psychocross course. The recent rain (and freshly cut grass) made for some slippery sections.

I wandered by the Belgian Club after the ride to ponder the course over there, and discovered that the City had graded the backlane that has traditionally been part of the circuit -- no more potholes! Awesome timing for the November 2 race, and I'm sure the residents and businesses there are pleased. As a side note to the Belgian Club race, I had a very nice conversation with folks from the Club yesterday about using their sign to promote the 'cross there -- as always, they were generous and supportive and said MUCR can post something the week prior to the event. Hopefully we can get even more community involvement this year as a result. See you there!

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