MUCR Planning Meeting
Tuesday, September 4th, 2007
Belgian Club
In attendance: Jamie Dyker, Alan Robertson, Hal Loewen, Tomek Jasiakiewicz, Chris Huebner, Deanna Wiebe, Scott Wiebe, Ian Hall
1. Cross Lab Schedule
a. Saturday skills clinics will start September 15th, and will alternate between Whittier Park and the Forks (skating rink). Meet at 7 a.m. September 15th ride is at Whittier Park.
b. Wednesday morning training rides (no coaching/mentoring) will start September 12th, at Omand’s Creek (Halter) Park, alternating with the Forks (skating rink).
c. Schedule for Cross Lab rides to be on poster, and posted on web site.
2. Season overview and discussion
a. Tom to follow up with Arlene Woodcock about commissaire’s preference for numbers (response: either pinned road number or mountain bike plate is fine. If you have multiple bikes, must use road number)
b. Altona race scheduling change: move form 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
c. Deanna and Scott offered to provide a special prize of a custom wool jersey (handmade by Deanna) to one randomly drawn woman and man at the November 18th race. To be eligible, riders must have completed four other cross events and be in attendance at the 11/18 race.
d. Scott to investigate timing of Minnesota state championships (possible conflict with 11/18 race, which may lead to consideration of changing date of his race).
3. Communications
a. Cowbells – MUCR has access to some cowbells which may be sold as a fundraiser to support the operations of the club, especially as they relate to outreach to kids and to current and potential cross racers. Bells are to be stickered (Tom will have stickers before 9/23) and sold for $10 each. Scott volunteered to serve as seller and treasurer. All organizers in attendance agreed this was a good idea and had no problem with having MUCR bells sold at their events.
b. T-shirts – Tom is working on a “more cowbell” t-shirt design.
c. Web Site – Hal has made contact with a web designer willing to develop 3 pages (splash, links, blog-fed news page) for MUCR, and will be registering for a Flickr account. ETA: soon.
d. Poster: Tom to email to Ian for printing. (Update: Done, printed 50 copies, of which about 40 were delivered to Olympia for distribution)
e. Banner – Tom to measure barrier dimensions, send to Ian who will get quotes.
f. Press release – discussion of need to watch for interesting news angles and promote to press.
4. Other new business
a. Tom to inquire with MCA/Jon Benson re: possibilities for short-term licensing for visiting US riders (Update: at least 3 riders from MN and possibly 2 from ND are planning on attending Manitoba cross races, most like double cross or Provincial Championships)
5. Skinsuits, jerseys, etc.
a. PSA: Fort Garry bike club is planning to do a bulk order of “Nordic Cross” long sleeve wool jerseys. Contact Chris, Hal, or Matt Handscombe (hope I spelling that right) for details.
b. PSA: Another part of FGBC is planning to order longsleeve argyle skinsuits. Contact Chris for details.
Next meeting at the call of the chair.
In keeping with the new policy of a rotating meeting chair, the next chairperson will be Hal Loewen.
Adjourned at 9:30 p.m.